As students are walking in before your weekly meeting have them answer one question that correlates to your message for that day. Tell them they have 15 seconds to answer on video. Get about 6-10 responses. Don’t use more than 10 responses. If you go over that you begin to lose the interest of your students and it gets too long (not everyone will keep their answer to 15 seconds).
If you are using a tape format video camera you can plug into your system and show it straight from your camera onto your TV or projection unit. Make sure that when you are filming you start and stop right away and don’t let the film keep rolling. This will eliminate the need for editing. If you are using a card format you will have several small video clips. This makes it more difficult to show one continues video.
A couple of options to make this work for you. You could edit it quickly in whatever editing program you have. iMovie will let you play your files you drop in without having to “share/export” it using preview mode. It’s full screen and you can add a quick title to the front end of it too. Another option would be to drop it into pro presenter, media shout, easy worship, etc. Then you can click through each file as soon as the next one is done, as if they are part of one video. Those programs usually include a fade in and out between slides, so it appears that you did some editing.
There is another option you could go with. Get your 6 – 10 students who are going to answer your question of the day prepared to answer. Line them up and have them answer one at a time right after the other. That way you have one continuous video with no editing.
Remember: 1) Students love to see themselves on screen (usually). 2) Video is always a great way to do something different than just you speaking the entire time. 3) You look like a “hero” because you made the video on the spot and used it during that event. Win, win, win.